KSNO Announcement

  • 2024 Kansas School Nurse of the Year Nominations Open

    KSNO seeks to emphasize the contribution of Kansas school nurses by recognizing one school nurse and one school nurse administrator each year who demonstrate excellence and professionalism in school nursing practice. We are now accepting nominations for our 2024 School Nurse and School Nurse Administrator of the Year awards. The recipients of these awards will be recognized at the Summer Nurse Conference in July. DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS is March 31, 2024.

    Who is eligible for the School Nurse of the Year award?

    • Registered professional school nurse who is a member of KSNO/NASN for the current and preceding two years.
    • Minimum of five years' experience as a school nurse.
    • Spends at least 50% of contract time in direct care to students.
    • Must not be on the NASN Board of Directors or NASN officer at the time of nomination.

      What are the nomination criteria? Evidence of excellence and professionalism in school nursing based on the current edition of School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (ANA and NASN). Evaluation of nominees will be scored using the following rubric: 

      • Provider of Client Care 10% 
      • Program Management 20% 
      • Health Education 20% 
      • Professional Development 10% 
      • Political/Legislative Involvement 20% 
      • Community Involvement 10% 
      • Involved in Research 10%

      I know an excellent and professional nurse! How can I nominate a school nurse?

      • Read the School Nurse of the Year Nomination Procedures attached. Gather the information requested about your nominee and yourself as the nominator. We invite you to include your nominee in the process so you have complete and accurate information.
      • Complete a narrative describing the nominee's contributions to school nursing. Include examples of excellence and professionalism. See the evaluation rubric above to include as many elements as possible in order to get the greatest score for your nominee!
      • Solicit for and include supporting letters. Supporting letters may be from anyone with examples of your nominee's contributions such as school administrators, teachers, parents, students, school nurse peers, and others. 
      • Submission deadline for nominations is March 31, 2024.

      Submit nominations using your choice of one of these three methods: 

      1. email to Katy Carter, KSNO Awards Chair, at kcarter@usd266.com   -OR-
      2. Use the School Nurse of the Year Online Nomination link:  

          Google Forms: Sign-in

      3.  Mail to Katy Carter RN, School Nurse

                       Maize South High School

                       3701 N. Tyler,

                       Wichita, KS  67205

      On behalf of the KSNO Board of Directors, we ask that our mailboxes and our inboxes overflow with nominations! There are excellent school nurses all over Kansas who would be honored to receive this award. Let us know who they are through your nominations!

      With respect and anticipation,

      Katy Carter, BSN RN NCSN, Awards Chair

      kcarter@usd266.com for questions!